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APWU 133

    No public meeting Tuesday

    By Apwu133,

    Stand-Up Talk
    January 26, 2024

    Mail Processing Facility Review 
    Postponement of Public Meeting to be held re: Charleston WV P&DC

    On January 12, 2024, we announced that a Public Input Meeting for the Mail Processing Facility Review (MPFR) of Charleston P&DC was scheduled for January 30, 2024, to share the initial results of the study and to allow members of the local community to provide their feedback and perspectives on the Initial Findings of the MPFR.

    We are postponing the posting of our initial findings as further time is needed to finalize any specific improvements, we may undertake at the Charleston P&DC. This will result in the rescheduling of the Public Input Meeting within the next several weeks. 

    Once the Public Input Meeting has been rescheduled, a subsequent announcement will be made.

    Comments on the proposal from employees and the public will be considered before any decision is made. Comments may continue to be submitted at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/mpfr-charleston-wv.

    Thank you for your attention. We will keep you updated as we move through the facility review process and additional initiatives to modernize our postal network. 


    Q: Why are you postponing this public meeting?
    We are postponing the posting of our initial findings as further time is needed to finalize any specific improvements, we may undertake at Charleston WV P&DC. This will result in the rescheduling of the Public Input Meeting. 
    Q: When will the public meeting be rescheduled?
    The Public Input Meeting will be rescheduled within the next several weeks. Once the Public Input Meeting has been rescheduled, a subsequent announcement of date, time and location will be made.
    Q: What additional information are you including in your review process?
    We are finalizing proposed investments and improvements for the specific site. 
    Q: Are you postponing this meeting due to negative feedback/pressure from the local community?
    No. We are postponing the posting of our initial findings as further time is needed to finalize any specific improvements, we may undertake at Charleston WV P&DC. Public feedback is considered throughout the review process.
    Q: You’ve held public meetings and issued initial findings in a number of local communities. Will you be revisiting those findings as well based on the new criteria you are evaluating here?
    This announcement is relevant only to this site.
    Q: How do you pick the times and locations for these public meetings?
    We look for publicly accessible locations within the local community.
    Q: If people can’t attend the public meeting, how can they submit their feedback?                            Members of the local community may continue to submit comments at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/mpfr-charleston-wv.


    APWU 133 members petition to get public meeting time change.

    By Apwu133,
    APWU 133 members, 
    As you are aware, the public meeting is set for January 30 at 2:30PM in Charleston WV re: the Processing and Distribution facility.  The time of 2:30 in the afternoon was picked on purpose to limit the publics opposition to the proposed changes here, since most are at their respective place of employment.  Other facilities have been successful in moving the time, in opposition of the one presented by the Postal Service with the help of their elected officials and the public. 
    We have reached out to Senator's Manchin and Capito, Congresswoman Carol Miller, Gov Justice, Charleston Mayor Goodwin, South Charleston Mayor Mullins and the Kanawha Co Commision requesting they support our opposition of the time and request it to be changed.
    We have reached out to the Charleston Civic Center to ensure that the same meeting place the Postal Service has reserved for 2:30 is available at 6:00 that evening, and it is.  Changing this time will allow resident's the opportunity to voice their opinion on the matter, thus giving the Postal Service adequate information to make the appropriate decision, as they have stated since day one. 
    Please email:  sean.p.hargadon@usps.gov and request that the meeting time be changed to allow the public the opportunity to attend.
    With our members, the public and our elected officials, we can change the future of this facility.
    Thank you,
    Tim Holstein
    Vice President
    APWU Local 133
    Charleston, WV 

    Public Meeting - South Charleston P&DC

    By Apwu133,

    "APWU Local 133 was notified today of the current MPFR Public Meeting time and place, as well as the Postal Services plans for the future of the facility.  The union does not agree with the Postal Services initial plan to reduce the P&DC to an LPC and we encourage all members to attend this public meeting.  The fight is not over!  We will continue to update you with information as soon as we get it."  





    Mail Processing Facility Review Notice of Public Input Meeting


    Charleston P&DC in South Charleston WV to Pittsburgh P&DC in Pittsburgh, PA, and

    Pennwood Place P&DC in Warrendale, PA

    January 12, 2024


    As part of a $40 billion investment strategy to upgrade and improve the Postal processing, transportation, and delivery networks, the U.S. Postal Service announced that it is conducting an evaluation of current operations and potential future uses of its Charleston Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC) facility in South Charleston, WV. 


    The USPS ten-year Delivering for America (DFA) plan includes initiatives to improve organizational and operational processes and actively make the Postal Service an efficient, high-performing, world class logistics and delivery provider.  Improvements to Postal operations will enhance the level of service provided to the public; drive innovation and enable a broader array of postal products and services; enhance organizational competitiveness; improve efficiency and lower the cost to operate; and provide better workplaces and careers for Postal Service employees.


    This specific facility review will inform the best allocation of resources and strategies to improve customer service and to achieve significant cost savings through operational precision and efficiency.  Business mail entry, Post Office, station, and branch retail services are not expected to change, and delivery services will be unaffected throughout this review. The evaluation is a first step in the Postal Service review and investment process in this facility and will not result in this facility’s closure or career employee layoffs.


    Public input will be considered as part of the review. A public meeting will be held to share the initial results of the study and to allow members of the local community to provide their additional feedback and perspectives on the Initial Findings of the MPFR. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 30, 2:30 PM at the Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center, 200 Civic Center Dr, Charleston WV 25301. A summary of the MPFR will be posted on about.usps.com at least one week prior to the public input meeting. 


    Members of the local community may submit comments at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/mpfrcharleston-wv.  


    Below are some preliminary highlights from the study:


    Business Case

    The Postal Service is investing heavily in operations as it moves to modernize in nation’s postal network, improve customer service and achieve the organization’s goal of 95% on-time delivery across all mail products.


    The initial results of the facility review support the business case for keeping the Charleston WV P&DC open and modernizing the facility as a Local Processing Center (LPC) with simplified processes and standardized layouts. The Charleston WV LPC will be a critical node to the unified movement of mail and packages across the regional processing and transportation ecosystem. The facility will offer expanded and streamlined package processing capabilities in the local market and new workplace amenities for USPS employees. Additionally, the business case supports transferring some mail processing operations to the Pittsburgh P&DC and Pennwood Place P&DC. 


    Future of Facility

    The Charleston P&DC will remain open and will be modernized. It will be repositioned as a Local

    Processing Center for destinating mail processing. It is expected that this facility will be a critical node to

    the unified movement of mail and packages across the regional processing and transportation ecosystem.   


    Local Customers  

    §  Retail and other services currently available at the Charleston P&DC will not change. §          Business mail acceptance will remain the same. 

    §  A local postmark will continue to be available at retail post offices.

    §  Delivery times of mail to residence and businesses should not change throughout this review.


    Commercial Mailers

    §  Mailers who presort mail will continue to receive appropriate postage discounts. 

    §  Mailers who drop ship to Destination Sectional Center Facility (DSCF) can expect no changes if the MPFR is approved.


    Please go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/mpfr-charleston-wv to submit written comments. All written comments must be received by February 14, 2024.  



    Senator Shelly Moore Capito official letter to Louis DeJoy regarding changes to Charleston P&DC.

    By Apwu133,



    As US Postal Service reviews operations at its South Charleston facility, I urge every West Virginian to submit a comment to USPS & make it clear how critical timely mail service is to you, your family & our state. It only takes a few minutes! Comment at

    By Apwu133,

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