Welcome to , the official web site of the Charleston Area Postal Workers Union.
This Web site is one of the means by which the union makes news and other useful information available to its members and the public. It is supported by membership dues and contributions, and operated by the union's staff at APWU local
headquarters in Charleston, WV.
This Web site includes thousands of published pages, images and downloadable files. The site's architecture is designed to
group together related content presented by the union's local officers, departments and divisions. To locate content, look
under the appropriate Forum pages. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please try the search engine or other
navigational aids before contacting union headquarters.
The material on this site is provided for informational and educational purposes only. You may use it to learn about the
benefits of APWU membership, to learn about postal and union news and events, or to obtain specific documents that can help answer questions about workplace issues.
However, the APWU does not guarantee the compete accuracy or timeliness of the information presented on this site's various pages, or other Web sites that we may provide links to.If you are seeking union assistance to resolve a grievance or other matter requiring union representation, you must contact the appropriate union officer at the local or regional level.
Copyright Information:
The material on this Internet site may be downloaded by APWU members and the public. No documents from this Web site may be reproduced in any form without express written permission, except by affiliates and members of the APWU. Affiliates and members may excerpt or use the entirety of content without written permission provided that they properly attribute the
excerpt or content to the APWU. The copyright remains in effect in the case of all permitted usage.Copyright of photographs and other artwork that appear on this site may belong to other entities or individual photographers and artists; in such cases reprint permission may be granted only by them. Contact the APWU133 for written permission to reproduce any content, photographs or artwork that appears on this Web site, or for assistance in obtaining permission from another vendor.
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Improper access and use of this Internet site is also strictly prohibited and may subject an unauthorized user to criminal
and civil penalties, including indemnification to the APWU for losses or damages caused by such unauthorized use such as,
but not limited to, unauthorized uploading or posting of information and copyright infringement.
In no event shall the APWU, or any other third parties mentioned on this Internet site, be liable for any damages arising out of the use, inability to use, or the results of use of this site, any Internet sites linked to this site, or the materials or information contained on all such sites. The APWU makes no commitment to update the information contained on this site and, as such, the information on this site is not guaranteed to be current.
This site provides links to sites operated by other organizations, but the APWU is not responsible for the content or the availability of these sites. The inclusion of such links is neither intended nor understood to constitute any implied or express approval or acceptance of the validity of the information contained on such sites
The information contained on the APWU Web site does not constitute financial or legal advice. You should not act (or
refrain from acting) based upon information found here without obtaining professional guidance from a local or regional
union officer regarding your particular facts and circumstances. The APWU expressly disclaims all liability with respect to
actions taken or actions not taken based on the content of this Internet site. The APWU and any entities mentioned herein
(including entities for which an Internet link is provided) expressly disclaim all liability for any losses, claims, injuries, or damages-whether direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or otherwise-arising from the use of any information contained on this Web site.
If any provision in this Disclaimer is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full
force and effect to the fullest extent possible under the law.
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The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.
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