Craig Brown Vice President
Tim Holstein Treasurer
Chris Smith Secretary
Robert Redman Clerk Director
Tim Thompson Maintenance Director
Ryan Dearien Motor Vehicle Director
Melissa Monday Legislative Director
Chase Dawson Editor
Wes Scarbro AO Coordinator
Josh Snyder Human Relations Director
Alexis Pratt Organizing Director
Robert Ludwig Safety Director
Jerrid Thomas
Lead Trustee
Donna Accord Trustee
Tom Accord Trustee
Levi Hanna
Fmla Info and Documents
If you are having problems getting your FMLA approved call and ask for an extension!
Shared Human Resources Center
HRSSC/Compensation & Benefits
PO Box 970400
Greensboro, NC 27497-0400
Call: HRSSC at 1-877-477-3273
Fax: Fax: 651-456-6041