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APWU 133

    Have a Conversation

    By Apwu133,

    (This article first appeared in the November/December 2018 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) 

    By Organization Director Anna Smith

    Having a conversation with a non-member coworker can be downright intimidating. It is because of this intimidation some find it frightening and daunting to ask them to stand with us. It is important to move past our concerns and approach them.

    The fact is these non-members are working against our best interest. Some non-members are loud and confrontational with anti-union rhetoric. They let everyone know why they are not a member. While we all realize the harm done by the boisterous one, understand that the silent non-member is as destructive, if not more. They are silently working against everything we fight to achieve. They are not on the same side.

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    Student Financial Aid Programs

    By Apwu133,

    (This article first appeared in the November/Decmber 2018 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) 

    By Research & Education Department Director Joyce B. Robinson

    As the cost of a college education continues to escalate, many parents do not have the funds or resources needed to assure their children receive a college education. However, there are numerous student aid programs available at the state and federal levels. For assistance contact the financial aid offices of colleges for information on the types of aid offered, the procedures, deadlines, and how and when the student will receive the aid. Inquire about each school’s satisfactory academic progress policy. Keep copies of the enrollment agreement, the school’s catalog, and all financial aid documents.

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    Is the Postal Service Sick?

    By Apwu133,

    (This article first appeared in the November/December 2018 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)

    By Western Regional Coordinator Omar Gonzalez

    33,400+ employees are absent daily claims management, triggering their Attendance Control Employee Availability (AC/EA) crackdown while they impose so-called “Dynamic Scheduling.”

    Leave rules in CBA Article 10 and the Employee & Labor Relations Manual (ELM) Chapter 510 have existed for 40 years. ACEA can’t change those rules. ELM 665.11 requires you to be regular in attendance. However, ELM 511.1 requires management to administer leave on an equitable basis for all employees considering a) the needs of the service b) the welfare of the individual employee.

    Too often management imposes discipline using select rules and dictates, such as, three (3) absences in 90 days requires discipline. This dictate violates the contract. “It is the supervisor’s review of the attendance record in light of all relevant evidence, NOT any set number of absences that determines whether corrective action is warranted.” [Article 10.1; 10.2 JCIM].

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    Numerous Negotiations Continue

    By Apwu133,

    (This article first appeared in the November/December 2018 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) 

    By Support Services Division Director Steve Brooks 

    I hope everyone had a good time at the 24th Annual National Convention in Pittsburgh, PA. I think it was a very good convention. As usual, the delegates came prepared to demonstrate why they felt their resolutions had merit, and articulated their arguments appropriately. Our conventions and the process of passing resolutions is a true illustration of how the democratic process should work. As is probably true for most of the delegates to the National Convention, you hit the ground running when returning home.

    The same can be said for your national officers. The convention took place smack dab in the middle of contract negotiations. With the contract expiring on Sept. 20, 2018, we went into a lock-down period with the Postal Service from Sept. 14-20, where the parties met around-the-clock in attempts to come to an agreement. In the end, we did come closer together on many issues, but were unable to complete the agreement. Because the parties were making headway and still talking, they agreed to extend the negotiation period by 30 days. 

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    Tune in to Hear What the APWU is Doing to Fight the Sale of the Post Office

    By Apwu133,
    News Service Bulletin #: NSB 09-2018


    Richmond, VA


    Our fight to stop postal privatization will continue well after the election! We must continue to advocate for a public Postal Service and keep it from being sold off to the highest bidder. On Nov. 14, at 11 a.m. EST and 7 p.m. EST the Legislative & Political Department will host a call updating the membership on the US Mail Not for Sale campaign. President Mark Dimondstein and Legislative & Political Director Judy Beard will discuss:

    • The current status of the White House’s plan to sell the Postal Service to private corporations (privatize the Postal Service).
    • The status of House Resolution 993 and Senate Resolution 633, and what to expect from Congress in the lame duck session.
    • Building public support after the successful National Day of Action on Oct. 8.
    • How members can get involved in upcoming campaign actions.


    Las Vegas, NV


    Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about what is being done to protect your job and how you can help! Click here to sign up.

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