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APWU 133

    Another Successful Private Sector Organizing Effort

    By Apwu133,
    Web News Article #: 88-2018

    Some non-unionized drivers from Pat Salmon Companies in El Paso, TX approached the Salmon Companies Dallas APWU represented drivers with concerns over their working conditions. The Dallas driver President, Sonny Castleman, quickly arranged for a meeting with the drivers to discuss the issues.

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    APWU Members Rallied in Pittsburgh – The U.S. Mail is Not for Sale!

    By Apwu133,
    Web News Article #: 88-2018

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    Join Together THIS Thursday and Participate in National Union Gear Day!

    By Apwu133,
    Web News Article #: 87-2018

    ToledoWorkersMemorialDay_1.jpegSeptember 20, 2018 marks the expiration of our Collective Bargaining Agreement between the APWU and the USPS. There is much at stake for members of the American Postal Workers Union as your negotiating committee is fighting to protect job security, win fair wage increases, maintain our COLA, expand rights of PTFs and PSEs alike, seek to end the divisive multi-tier wage structure and expand postal services.

    This Thursday, Sept. 13 and Thursday, Sept. 20 are the last two Union Gear Thursdays before our contract expires.

    Make sure to ‘Gear Up!’ Coast-to-coast – Hawaii to Maine, Florida to Alaska – as we show the Postal Service that we are one, we are strong, we are united

    Put on your buttons, wristbands, stickers, shirts, hats and other union gear!

    Tag #APWUnited on social media, send us your images to nccc@apwu.org, and proudly display our solidarity!

    Click here to download the flyer and spread the word: Sept. 13 is NATIONAL UNION GEAR DAY!  


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    Contract Negotiations Hotline Opened

    By Apwu133,
    News Service Bulletin #: Vol. 48, No. 07


    The current Collective Bargaining Agreement between the American Postal Workers Union and the United States Postal Service expires at midnight September 20, 2018.

    The union entered the final 10-day stretch of intense negotiations – including days of round-the-clock bargaining – on Sept. 10. National President Dimondstein will provide regular updates starting Sept. 14.

    Call 866-412-8061 to get the latest news and updates as we continue Fighting Today for a Better Tomorrow!

    Seventh and Final COLA under the 2015 National Agreement

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    Clerk Craft Settles 4 National Disputes with USPS

    By Apwu133,
    Web News Article #: 89-2018

    The Clerk Craft recently settled four (4) Step 4 National Disputes with the Postal Service that address (1.) the assignment of injured on duty employees in USPS “pilot” or experimental programs, (2.) Lead Clerk duties and leading other employees, same level and higher, (3.) 204B details to non-supervisory positions, and (4.) Lead Clerk and TACs training and duties. 

    Click Here to Read More.

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