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APWU 133

    Additional Standup

    By Apwu133,

    Subject: Additional Standup




    I just received this Stand Up Talk that was supposed to be given out last week. There have now been two that were supposed to have done. However, I am getting reports that these Stand Up Talks are not being done. I am also being told that employees are being denied access to Postal Devices to access Postal Ease.  I need to know where the stand up talks have not been given and where employees are being denied access to postal computers. Here is the message I received with this stand up talk:




    Attached please find the final, approved stand up talk for distribution starting today addressing Net to Bank and Allotment Disabled online in PostalEase.




    We are monitoring the situation and are demanding the Postal Service provide us full updates on what has happened, what is still happening, and what is being done to remedy the situation. As I get more information, I will continue to share it. Please get this information out to the field. I have also attached the previous emails I have sent out.


    Thank you and remember—stay safe, wear your mask!

    Charlie Cash

    Industrial Relations Director

    American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO


    Mandatory Stand-Up Talk 


    Dec. 30, 2022


    Fraud Alert Update:

    Net to Bank and Allotment Disabled Online in PostalEASE


    The stand-up talk issued Friday Dec. 23, 2022, discussed a fraud scheme by cyber criminals using fake LiteBlue websites to target Postal Service employees.


    When you attempt to log in to a fake site, scammers collect your username and password. Scammers can record this information and use it to enter PostalEASE — the self-service application reached through LiteBlue for employment-related services. There, scammers may access your sensitive data, which they can manipulate for financial gain.


    The LiteBlue and PostalEASE applications have not been compromised. A limited number of employees have reported unusual account activity involving their PostalEASE accounts, which has been attributed to their prior interaction with the fake LiteBlue websites.


    As an additional precaution, the Net to Bank and Allotment functionalities have been disabled online in the PostalEASE application accessed externally through LiteBlue via a personal computer as of Dec. 29, 2022, until further notice.


    Employees may cancel allotments, establish net to bank, or make changes to net to bank via the PostalEASE Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.  IVR is a telephone-based system and may be accessed by calling the Human Resources Shared Service Center (HRSSC) at 877-477-3273, menu option 1.  Employees using the IVR system will need to have their employee identification number (EIN) and personal identification number (PIN).


    These services can be conducted online via PostalEASE when accessed using a USPS-owned laptop or desktop computer, connected to the USPS network.


    If you use an online search engine such as Google or Yahoo to navigate to LiteBlue, you may find fake LiteBlue websites in your search results. We are working with the internet service providers to remove the fake websites. However, they often reappear as quickly as they are removed.


    You can reduce the chances of encountering a fake website by navigating directly to the official USPS website at (spell aloud) W-W-W - “dot” - L-I-T-E-B-L-U-E - “dot” - U-S-P-S - “dot” - G-O-V or www.liteblue.usps.gov. If you visit LiteBlue frequently, you should bookmark the site as one of your favorites.


    We are also taking additional precautions across our network to mitigate the risk of further impact on our employees.


    If you suspect you are a victim of this fraud or encounter a fake LiteBlue website, please contact USPS CyberSafe by email at cybersafe@usps.gov. Employees should also report any instance of suspected account tampering to the USPS Accounting Service Center helpline at 1-866-974-2733.


    Thank you for listening.

    Continual Issues with LiteBlue/PostalEase

    By Apwu133,

    Subject: Continual Issues with LiteBlue/PostalEase




    I just received the message below from the Postal Service which you may share with the field informing us the external link to PostalEase/Liteblue will be taken down today. This will require employees to make changes Postal Service devices within postal facilities.




    We continue to receive reports of employees clicking on fake LiteBlue websites, allowing cyber criminals to steal their usernames and passwords. A limited number of employees have reported changes to their net to bank or allotment changes due to this activity.


    The USPS has taken multiple steps to combat this activity through enhanced communications, stand-up talks, working with internet providers to identify the sites as fraudulent, and proactively identifying potential victims.  Unfortunately, some employees continue to access the fake websites.


    The VP, CISO has recommended disabling the external link to PostalEase today, December 29, 2022.


    Taking this action will prevent any net to bank or allotment changes to occur unless employees log-in from a USPS issued device in a USPS facility to further protect employees against fraudulent websites. The Chief Information Office is working to expedite the deployment of a multi-factor solution which will prompt employees for a second identification factor, such as a one-time passcode through text or email or through an authenticator application that will be in addition to their usernames and passwords.


    In the interim, please inform employees to call the helpdesk at 877-477-3273 for assistance with their urgent LiteBlue needs.


    Headquarters is working diligently to resolve these security issues and enable LiteBlue to be available ASAP.


    Thank you!






    I have also made inquiries on what the Postal Service is doing to ensure all employees have access to a “postal device” in a postal facility.


    Thank you and remember—stay safe, wear your mask!

    Charlie Cash

    Industrial Relations Director

    American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO




    Stand Up about Lite Blue Issues

    By Apwu133,

    Subject: Stand Up about Lite Blue Issues




    Please see the attached stand up talk and below message from the Postal Service. I apologize for the delay—things are crazy in Buffalo, and I will admit my family and home were my first priority during this disastrous storm that has taken 35 lives in Western New York.


    The attached is an advisory about fake Liteblue Websites and attempts to compromise our member’s information. Please always got here LiteBlue (usps.gov) to access the real LiteBlue website.


    Do not provide your EIN or password to anyone to include family, friends, or financial institutions that request it. We have reports that some advance check cashing or payday lenders (President Dimondstein and I call them legal loan sharks) are requesting member’s EINs, passwords, and LiteBlue login information in order to arrange these despicable loans—please do not give this information. Some of these institutions have been identified as the folks changing LiteBlue information and stealing member’s direct deposit.


    We are in contact with the Postal Service on these issues and pushing for pay advances. However, the Postal Service as thus far taken the position that stolen direct deposit is not the fault of the USPS and not issuing advances. We are still pushing and fighting for this to happen. When I have more info, I will share.


    In the meantime, if employees have issues, the need to contact their local stewards and officers who can then reach out to their NBAs if needs be.


    Please share with field.


    Thank you and remember—stay safe, wear your mask!

    Charlie Cash

    Industrial Relations Director

    American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO



    By Apwu133,


    Subject: Update on employee's Direct Deposit


    Union Family,


    I received an update on the issue with employee’s direct deposit. See below. However, I reiterate that everyone should go change their password and make sure they are using the appropriate website which is: LiteBlue (usps.gov)


    Do not share your information with anyone! Including members of your family, friends, etc.


    Here is the message received from Vice-President of Labor Relations Tom Blum:




    VP Heather Dyer and the Inspection Service have confirmed Postal Service employees are often unknowingly providing their usernames and passwords to criminal websites, while attempting to access PostalEase.


    Employees are using Google and attempting to access PostalEase; however, Google in-turn has been redirecting them to criminally run websites that mirror the look and access of PostalEase.


    VP Dyer and the Corporate Information Security Office (CISO) are working with the Postal Inspection Service and drafting letters to the impacted group of approximately 119 employees, while also preparing a second letter addressed to all postal employees.  Both drafts are currently under review by the Privacy Office and Law Department.


    We have received reports representations have been made at the district level confirming Postal Inspectors are contacting impacted employees, as well as employees who may have unknowingly been compromised, and requesting their EINs and passwords.


    Please note . . . Postal Inspectors have not contacted postal employees and requested their EINs and/or passwords. (Emphasis added by Charlie Cash)


    If you know of any financially impacted employees, please have them immediately contact the Eagan ASC Helpdesk at 866-974-2733.  Staff members are available to assist.


    If you become aware of any employee experiencing access issues to PostalEase, please recommend they immediately contact 877-477-3273 to request assistance.


    VP Dyer, the CISCO Team and the Postal Inspection Service continue working around-the-clock to enhance the security of PostalEase.


    We will provide you with any additional information ASAP.





    Thank you and remember—stay safe, wear your mask!

    Charlie Cash

    Industrial Relations Director

    American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO

    2023 Leave Calendar and Leave Chart Available

    By Apwu133,

    2023 Leave Calendar and Leave Chart Available


    November 9, 2022

    The 2023 APWU Leave Calendar and Leave Chart are now available on the APWU website under Frequently Requested Resources.  The Leave Calendar is a great resource identifying pay periods, pay days, and holidays. The Leave Chart can be used to track current balances of advanced annual, earned annual and sick leave, as well as what leave has been used. The files are in PDF for easy downloading and printing.

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