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APWU 133


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  1. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) By Maintenance Division Director Idowu Balogun A staffing review is an important tool for protecting Maintenance Craft jobs, and we encourage locals to request reviews if there is a valid reason to believe that your office is understaffed under TL 3 or TL 5. Staffing packages in the Maintenance Division can be broken into two general categories: custodial staffing and mechanized staffing. View the full article
  2. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) By Clerk Division Director Clint Burelson Are you tired of management knowingly and willfully violating the contract, providing poor service to the public and otherwise doing whatever they want? There are many ways to fight back and one way is on-the-clock. By utilizing the grievance procedure, you can get paid for improving the Postal Service while you are at work. View the full article
  3. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) By Clerk Division Director Clint Burelson Are you tired of management knowingly and willfully violating the contract, providing poor service to the public and otherwise doing whatever they want? There are many ways to fight back and one way is on-the-clock. By utilizing the grievance procedure, you can get paid for improving the Postal Service while you are at work. View the full article
  4. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) With negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement between the USPS and the APWU now at an impasse, we are heading into interest arbitration. Below are answers to a few frequently asked questions the union has received regarding the next steps in achieving a new union contract. View the full article
  5. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) With negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement between the USPS and the APWU now at an impasse, we are heading into interest arbitration. Below are answers to a few frequently asked questions the union has received regarding the next steps in achieving a new union contract. View the full article
  6. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) By Industrial Relations Director Vance Zimmerman Recently, General Motors (GM) and Ford announced massive layoffs and plant closings. GM announced that about 15,000 workers will be laid off in 2019. As this issue goes to press, Ford hasn’t announced how many workers will be laid off, but estimates put the number around 24,000 workers. The stress and emotions the workers and their families are going through is something many of us have never had to experience. View the full article
  7. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) By Industrial Relations Director Vance Zimmerman Recently, General Motors (GM) and Ford announced massive layoffs and plant closings. GM announced that about 15,000 workers will be laid off in 2019. As this issue goes to press, Ford hasn’t announced how many workers will be laid off, but estimates put the number around 24,000 workers. The stress and emotions the workers and their families are going through is something many of us have never had to experience. View the full article
  8. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) John Dirzius Northeast Region Coordinator John H. Dirzius retired on Dec. 31, 2018. During a labor union career spanning more than four decades, he was a tireless organizer, held multiple leadership roles and worked to build a strong union movement. View the full article
  9. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) John Dirzius Northeast Region Coordinator John H. Dirzius retired on Dec. 31, 2018. During a labor union career spanning more than four decades, he was a tireless organizer, held multiple leadership roles and worked to build a strong union movement. View the full article
  10. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) By Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell View the full article
  11. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) By Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell View the full article
  12. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) By Vice President Debby Szeredy Let’s talk about the facts. Here I am, a union postal worker. What will happen if I don’t step up and help mobilize my co-workers and my community to stop privatization? The free market plan is to privatize any and all areas that are vital to the American public. We have seen how privatization affects us. Examples of privatization include: our health care system, water and sewer services, bus and transit systems, parking meters, tolls, roads and bridges, prison systems, mortgage and pay day loans, student loans, deregulation of fossil fuels that pollute our planet, and the money in politics (dark money) that helps to fund candidates who will work hard to privatize public services. View the full article
  13. (This article first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) By Vice President Debby Szeredy Let’s talk about the facts. Here I am, a union postal worker. What will happen if I don’t step up and help mobilize my co-workers and my community to stop privatization? The free market plan is to privatize any and all areas that are vital to the American public. We have seen how privatization affects us. Examples of privatization include: our health care system, water and sewer services, bus and transit systems, parking meters, tolls, roads and bridges, prison systems, mortgage and pay day loans, student loans, deregulation of fossil fuels that pollute our planet, and the money in politics (dark money) that helps to fund candidates who will work hard to privatize public services. View the full article
  14. Web News Article #: 3-2019 On January 10, APWU officers and members joined hundreds of furloughed federal government employees, labor leaders, congressional representatives and other allies on the steps of the “House of Labor,” the AFL-CIO, to demand an end to the government shut down and resulting “lockout” of 800,000 federal employees. American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) National President J. David Cox clarified, “I’d like to make sure that everyone knows that this effort and extortion is more of a lockout than a shutdown.” View the full article
  15. Web News Article #: 03-2019 In a decision issued on Friday, January 4, 2019, Arbitrator Stephen B. Goldberg ruled that the Postal Service did not violate the National Agreement in 2011 when it decided to subcontract roof maintenance and repair work. The Union contended that the Employer had violated Article32.1.A by failing to give due consideration to the five factors it must consider before subcontracting; violated Article 32.1.B by failing to give the Union advance notice, and by failing to comply with the other requirements of 32.1.B; violated the MOU on Contracting or Insourcing of Contracted Services; and violated ASM Section 535.112. View the full article
  16. Web News Article #: 2-2019 Message from President Dimondstein to the APWU membership. View the full article
  17. Web News Article #: 1-2019 View the full article
  18. Web News Article #: 121-2018 View the full article
  19. Web News Article #: 120-2018 The Collective Bargaining Agreement (Union Contract) between the American Postal Workers Union and the United States Postal Service initially expired on September 20, 2018. Negotiations began in July with a big kick off and national day of action during which many of you participated as together we are “Fighting Today for a Better Tomorrow!” Since our contract expired there have been four extensions of negotiations in an effort to reach a voluntary agreement... View the full article
  20. 12/21/2018 For Immediate Release American Postal Workers Union President Mark Dimondstein says: “This gift delivered to Wall Street will be paid for by Main Street.” WASHINGTON – When the Trump Administration released its postal task force report earlier this month, the American Postal Workers Union said that, if implemented, it would result in “less services and higher prices.” Now, a new research study from the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) shows just how costly privatizing or even partially privatizing postal services would be. Entitled “Who Would Pay the Biggest Price for Postal Privatization,” IPS researchers demonstrate that the White House plan would lead to significantly higher prices and less service for 70 million Americans in rural areas, small towns and suburbs – and all those who mail and ship to those locations. View the full article
  21. Web News Article #: 119-2018 The 2019 new leave year begins and ends as indicated below: Begins: PP 02-2019, Jan 5, 2019 Ends: PP 01-2020, Jan 3, 2020 Click here for the 2019 Pay & Holiday Calendar. Click here for the 2019 Leave Chart. View the full article
  22. Web News Article #: 118-2018 As part of the remedy settlement for the Postal Service’s violations regarding the Sales Retention Team (SRT) Pilot Program, the Postal Service is expected to be mailing settlement payments to previously identified eligible individuals by the end of January 2019. In a December 8, 2016 decision, Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg ruled that the Postal Service violated the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) when they assigned injured workers to perform Clerk Craft work at Sales Retention Team sites without first assigning the work to the Clerk Craft and posting the duty assignments for bid. As part of the arbitrator’s ruling, the parties agreed to a $36 million remedy settlement on January 12, 2018. View the full article
  23. Web News Article #: 117-2108 President Dimondstein went on National Public Radio's popular 1A show on Dec. 11 to discuss the importance of public postal services. To listen to the story click here. View the full article
  24. Web News Article #: 116-2108 APWU President Mark Dimondstein reports that the national union leadership will make an announcement on Friday December 21, 2018 regarding the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the APWU and the USPS. View the full article
  25. Web News Article #: 115-2018 The updated APWU Constitution & Bylaws has been posted. The new constitution includes changes adopted by delegates to the union’s 24th National Convention in August 2018. View the full article
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