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APWU 133

Stand Up about Lite Blue Issues


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Subject: Stand Up about Lite Blue Issues



Please see the attached stand up talk and below message from the Postal Service. I apologize for the delay—things are crazy in Buffalo, and I will admit my family and home were my first priority during this disastrous storm that has taken 35 lives in Western New York.


The attached is an advisory about fake Liteblue Websites and attempts to compromise our member’s information. Please always got here LiteBlue (usps.gov) to access the real LiteBlue website.


Do not provide your EIN or password to anyone to include family, friends, or financial institutions that request it. We have reports that some advance check cashing or payday lenders (President Dimondstein and I call them legal loan sharks) are requesting member’s EINs, passwords, and LiteBlue login information in order to arrange these despicable loans—please do not give this information. Some of these institutions have been identified as the folks changing LiteBlue information and stealing member’s direct deposit.


We are in contact with the Postal Service on these issues and pushing for pay advances. However, the Postal Service as thus far taken the position that stolen direct deposit is not the fault of the USPS and not issuing advances. We are still pushing and fighting for this to happen. When I have more info, I will share.


In the meantime, if employees have issues, the need to contact their local stewards and officers who can then reach out to their NBAs if needs be.


Please share with field.


Thank you and remember—stay safe, wear your mask!

Charlie Cash

Industrial Relations Director

American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO


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